On our website presents a versatile breed the keeshond (wolfspitz), our dogs and puppies wolfspitz (keeshond)
Our breed is the keeshond, wolfspitz or wolf spitz
Welcome to the site of the Olympic Spirit breeding kennel!
My name is Irina Gnatyuk and I would like to present to your attention on the pages of this site a wonderful universal breed of dogs. Kennel Olympic Spirit is engaged in breeding Keeshond or Wolf Spitz. The founder of our kennel is an excellent producer, keeshond Severnaya Orkhideya First Olympic Gold (Phil), and we also have keeshond dogs - his descendants, other keeshond kennel and keeshond participating in our breeding program. With great pleasure I am ready to share information about our dogs and their achievements. On our site you will find a description of the keeshond breed, a video about the wolfspitz (keeshond) breed with my participation, the latest news from the cattery, and a lot of other interesting information about this breed. In the section Our puppies keeshond, wolfspitz you can see information about our litters and a photo gallery of our puppies. You can ask me any questions about the breed, agree on mating, or buy a keeshond or wolfspitz puppy in Russia.
Perhaps the Keeshond or Wolfspitz breed is exactly the furry friend you need!
Severnaya Orkhideya First Olympic Gold "Phil" and puppies from the litter of December 26, 2018.