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A wonderful boy Grazia Celeste Yakhont came to us from the friendly kennel Grazia Celeste (St. Petersburg) to participate in breeding work.

Parents: mom - Grazia Celeste Rafaella (Ikurin Canis Fennicus "Winner" * Ikurin Stella Maris)

               dad - Grazia Celeste Chopard (Grazia Celeste Teddy Plush * Grazia Celeste Skeylori).

Yakhont combines 30% of the blood of the Russian breeding of the "Aistraum" and "Grazia Celeste" kennels and 70% of the well-known Finnish kennels "Waatan", "Eswood" and "Ikurin".

Wolfspitz / Keeshond / Wolfspitz


Грация Селесте Яхонт

DOB: October 31, 2019

Frolenkova Tatiana. Kennel "Grazia Celeste" (St. Petersburg)


Kennel Olympic Spirit (Novosibirsk)

Growth:  52 cm.
Health tests:  PHPT-negative, HD-A,ED-0
Russian Junior Champion (JCH RUS),
RKF Junior Champion (JCH RKF),
National Breed Club Junior Champion (JCH CLUB RUS),
Russian Junior Grand Champion (JGCH RUS)
Russian Champion (CH RUS),
RKF Champion (CH RKF),
National Breed Club Champion (CH CLUB RUS),
Russian Grand Champion (GCH RUS)


On the photo Yakhont is 1 month old


You can see more photos of Keeshond (Wolfspitz) Grazia Celeste Yakhont in his photo gallery at the link >>>